Probizwriters, LLC Business Writing and Document Experts
Featured Article:
Why Content Marketing is King,
by Mikal E. Belicove
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When it comes to marketing strategies, content marketing has just been crowned king, far surpassing search engine marketing, public relations and even print, television and radio advertising as the preferred marketing tool for today's business-to-business entrepreneur. What is content marketing?
On Economics ... Edgar the Exploiter
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Edgar the Exploiter is an animated short that defends voluntary employer-employee relations and demonstrates the harm that policies like minimum-wage laws inflict on the very people they are supposed to help.
Edgar is a capitalist who hires Simon as an unskilled laborer, until a minimum-wage law impels Edgar to lay Simon off.
Give it a view. It is beautifully done.Brought to you by
The Ludwig von Mises Institute
"The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it." --American writer H. L. Mencken (1880-1956)
Dear David,
All of us here at Probizwriters.com are happy to announce the launch of our periodic newsletter, which we expect to release twice a month. So first, thanks for being a part of our network of business owners and entrepreneurs - it wouldn't be the same without you. As part of our mission to help people succeed in business, we'll be delivering useful (and hopefully interesting) information about business writing and related matters, and asking you a few questions from time to time. Our goal is to get to know you better, learn from your experience, and help you achieve your business goals, especially when it comes to managing your essential business communication and documentation. |
Having Trouble Finding Time to Write?
|  As a businessperson, you know that finding the time for you or your employees to produce high-quality written communications is tough, especially if you don't have a team of writers in house or on call. You also know that in today's business world looking your best and making the right impression starts with solid communication.
Even professional writers get bogged down and sometimes struggle to fit it all in. Yet, managing writing projects is like any other project: it requires prioritizing, focus, and deliberate effort. Here are a few pointers on managing your writing projects:
First, with any writing project, identify your audience and your objective clearly. Know what you want to accomplish.
Second, get started. One gets better at writing primarily by doing two things: writing and reading. The more you write, the more your writing will improve. But you have to start, be committed, and stick with it. Third, remember that nothing you write will be perfect (there's no such thing); editing, reviewing, and rewriting are par for the course and you should plan on this as part of the process. Writing is thinking, and you can't think clearly until you start writing. Putting the words on a page enables you to see your thoughts, think about them, and refine them.Fourth, establish a working environment appropriate for the writing process, one relatively free of distractions.
Fifth, if you have writing projects conceived or partially developed that you just can't focus on properly, then hire an editor or a professional business writer to manage your project to conclusion. Use your time wisely by allowing the professional writer to extract what you know and get the project done. You manage the writer and attain your communication objective. Everybody's happy.
"Did You Know?" From the Executive Editor
An editorial note you may find useful in your writing:
One Space or Two Spaces? - Many of us were taught this rule: insert two spaces after every period. However, that convention, to whatever extent it once existed, is now gone, due largely to advances in typography technology. Today, reliable authorities ("The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Ed.," "The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style" [Garner], "Typography for Lawyers" [Butterick], and others) declare that one space after a period is the rule.
All major print publications have adopted the one-space convention, and not just because it saves space. Modern digital typography has simply overcome the visual need for two spaces.
I agree with the soundness of the updated rule, despite years of using two spaces myself, and now use the one-space rule when writing and editing. You should too, even though it's hard to change old habits (unless you're still working on a manual typewriter, the typographic limitations of which gave rise to the now-archaic two-space practice).
Business Proposals - To know how to write a winning business proposal, ask your customer (i.e., the party requesting the proposal) what they need to know; learn what informs their decision making. The purpose of business proposal writing is to persuade your customer to select you. The best way to do this is to answer the customer's questions; the business proposal writing process is more about the customer than it is about your firm. Successful proposals speak directly to the customer, and standardized proposal templates won't help you much in this regard. To cover all bases in your proposal, answer these six questions for each section/requirement the proposal must address: who, what, where, how, when, and why. Use each to identify and answer the customer's questions. Examples include ... - Who: who's doing or managing what work, who's responsible for what, who's paying for what?
- What: what must be accomplished, what are expectations, what are milestones, what risks exist, what is known or unknown, what are elements, what are costs?
- Where: where does what activity occur, where are essential components located, where will activity conclude?
- How: how will what work be performed, how will transportation be handled, how will the project be managed, how will quality be assured, how much time is required, how are risks identified and handled, how does the customer benefit?
- When: when does the project start, when will it be complete, when are payments made?
- Why: why are the methods and actions you've selected appropriate and effective, why is your company best for the customer, why does the customer win?
Probizwriters News
 | Corporate Security
Recent PBW activities:
Ridge Global / Corporate Security - PBW is pleased to announce that we're now working directly with Gov. Tom Ridge (1st Secretary of Homeland Security, 2-term Pennsylvania Governor, and U.S. Congressman) and the Washington DC-based Ridge Global team of security experts on the development of a white paper addressing emerging corporate security issues in the global economy.
This high-utility white paper, drawn from the best minds in the United States on the subject of corporate security, will be distributed widely through the National Association of Entrepreneurship to leading business executives.
Live Safe Foundation / EM2 Roundtable - On March 4, 2012 Probizwriters' Executive Editor David Speaker had the privilege of acting as Moderator for this exclusive Roundtable conference of leading U.S. Emergency Management Experts.
Held at the Columbus Ohio Hyatt Regency, the conference topic was "Preparing for the Big Disaster - What communication elements render an institution 'well prepared' to manage events during a disaster?" and the dialog produced actionable results and valuable core material for development of a forthcoming topical White Paper now being written by Probizwriters for wide release to the nation's emergency-management community.
We're developing our own distribution lists for these must-read papers and hope you'll let us know if you'd like to receive a copy when they're released. Request your copy by email: research@probizwriters.com
Nati onal Association of Entrepreneurship - NAE recently selected Probizwriters to serve as editor-in-chief of its Research Center, a post that includes developing and managing content for NAE's various publications.
Thanks for reading; we hope you found some helpful information. Please email us with your suggestions, questions or feedback.
Best regards, David Speaker, Executive Editor Probizwriters, LLC |
Copyright © 2012, Probizwriters, LLC. All rights reserved. Rates and timetables quoted on a per project basis.
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Save 20% on All Editing Services through June 18, 2012
No matter how well you write, a simple typo or stylistic inconsistency can disrupt readers and potentially derail the impact of your work. With Probizwriters, LLC, you don't have to grapple with editing and proofreading alone. Our professional editing services can refine your content and prepare it for use or publication.
For a limited time, we're offering a 20% discount on all of our professional editing services. This offer expires on June 18, so contact us today to learn more.
We offer a range of editing services to meet your needs. Our professional editors can assist with:
- Technical elements such as grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- Stylistic elements like intended word use and tone
- Composition elements including overall clarity and smoothness
- An editorial review and assessment of your work
This 20% discount is only available through June 18, so act today. To learn more, please contact us.
* This coupon need not be printed or presented and is transferable. All you need to do is request the discount by mentioning that you saw it in the Probizwriters Newsletter. Please share with your business associates and others. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to terminate or modify this promotion.
| Offer Expires: June 18, 2012